Atlanta’s French Language Meetup Group

One thing you take for granted when you’re younger and in school, is how often you’re put in situations where you get to meet people and make new friends.

When you get older, and you’re mostly surrounded by work-mates, your significant other and a well-established group of friends, you rarely have the chance to make new connections, and in doing so, expand your horizons.

I know a lot of people aren’t interested in that- they think I’m silly for actively meeting new people, going to events on my own, getting involved in random projects or having lunch/dinner/coffee whatever with old acquaintances or random (properly vetted-hah) strangers.

When I moved back to Atlanta my biggest fear was losing my French language skills. After almost 5 years in Paris, there was no way I was going to let myself be that person in 20 years saying “I used to speak fluently.. but I only remember “xx” now.” When a new acquaintance at Coke told me about the French Language Meetup Group, I hesitated, but then went that evening un-accompanied to that month’s Meetup at Après Diem.

Let’s just say, that night changed a lot in my life, and I’m very thankful. The rest of that story will have to be “to be continued…”

For now, check out the MeetUp group website – this is the link to the French Group, but there are DOZENS of others to get involved with!


French restaurants in Atlanta

It’s been over a year now since I moved back to Atlanta from Paris. I miss a lot of things about my life in France, but have found that my home city has evolved a good bit and now offers up a great array of French cuisine!

What is your favorite French restaurant in the city? (or OTP if you must?)

I still have many to try.. on my list are Anis, Violettes, Bistro Niko, and various others.

Now if we could only find the equivalent of fromage blanc so my French boyfriend would be happy… 😉

Le Festival de la Francophonie- Movie Night: “Incendies”

Each year the Alliance Française in Atlanta hosts a Festival which celebrates the French language and culture. Tuesday night we attended a (free) movie and reception night at their home-base in Colony Square.

The movie we saw was a Quebecois film called “Incendies” – I didn’t expect it to be so intense! It was very interesting, well shot, and had strong actors. The story was eye-opening and heartbreaking at the same time.

Check out the trailer and see for yourself – it could be worth renting/borrowing from Netflix. (The movie is in French / Arabic with English subtitles)


Crêperie des Canettes

Creperie des Canettes

I lived in Paris for almost five years, which makes me an “expert” in some Parisian things, but definitely not others. One thing I can tell you, is where to go to have a wonderful evening stroll and the most delicious Crêpes in Paris: Crêperie des Canettes.

My first visit to this Crêperie was on the occasion of my 23rd birthday, in 2007. The quarters are cramped, you have no idea how you’re going to get onto one of those wooden benches or where you’re going to put your coat, but it doesn’t matter, because once you try one of their crepes you will ALWAYS be coming back for more.

The Metro stop is Mabillon or Odeon (doesn’t really matter.. the area is so lovely) – and you can do some window shopping on the way. Enjoy.

Travelling to Europe- Montpellier

I have many friends here in the U.S. who have never been to Europe before, and others who are just now getting around to exploring France. Most recently (this morning, actually) I had someone ask where to stay in the city of Montpellier.

I studied in Montpellier for a summer through a UGA exchange program, but lived with a host family – no one had the need (or money for) a hotel. I did a little research and found the Hotel du Parc, which looks like a great option. I’d rather be able to have first-hand experience before I recommend somewhere, but my friend’s trip is coming up fast…

Hotel du Parc